Hi I’m Rebecca….

….Thanks for checking out my website. I’m a full time Yoga teacher based in both Cornwall/Devon & London. I’ve been in London for 10 years and still teach there Monday to Wednesday, then the rest of the week I’m in Cornwall working on my new yoga retreat project, renovating & restoring an old farm.

I’m a countryside girl from Cheshire, trained as an actor in Edinburgh, moved to London to pursue a career in acting, worked in many bars & restaurants, dabbled in dog walking, taught drama to children, then stumbled into a yoga class and that was it, I was hooked!

Very quickly I realised yoga was here to stay. I began to organise my day around getting to practice, I started to feel stronger physically and mentally and soon found that the many benefits of my yoga practice were flowing into my everyday life off the mat.

2 years ago my partner (a Cornish man) and I bought a farm on the South coast of Cornwall in Talland Bay. Our goal is to renovate and restore a 700 year old farmhouse into accommodation, use the land to grow fruit & veg and turn the crumbling down barns into a yoga studio, retreat space and a venue for creative arts. We have our work cut out for us thats for sure!

Yoga has helped me in so many different ways, I’m a firm believer that this wonderful practice has a very simple yet magical way of making you feel more connected, focused, grounded and balanced. I wish to spread this magic and joy throughout my classes…